Thursday, January 8, 2015

Communicate 3.2.2 Differentiation

Differentiation is not just a buzzword reserved for instruction.  There are a number of opportunities for virtual teachers to meet the diverse learning personalities of their students, including the modes of communication.  Student preferences for communication will closely mirror their learning styles: visual-spatial, auditory, logical, linguistic, etc.  In order to maintain effective communication, a virtual teacher should be mindful of employing a variety of methods for differentiating news, information, and course updates.

To model an effective way to incorporate more differentiated means of communication, I created a padlet bulletin board titled: APUSH Exam Review Resources.  This digital bulletin board can be embedded onto my homepage and is extremely easy to update and edit.  Through this medium, I am able to communicate and share awesome review resources for the APUSH Exam in May.

I like how padlet is professional, neat, and organized for the logical and spatial learners.  But also how I can add everything from images, audio, video, as well as short textual descriptions of each item in order to meet all learning personalities.

After embedding it onto my course website I would stress to my students that this padlet/bulletin board will be the consistent location of all information, updates, and news regarding the APUSH Exam.  Then, as I add to padlet I can send a mass communication via remind or twitter to tell students to check out any new resources or information.

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