Sunday, December 28, 2014

Navigate 2.1.1 Delivery Methods & the Synchronous Vendor Market

Earlier this month I completed my online gifted endorsement through the University of North Georgia.  It was a great experience in the e-learning environment and has been one of the major reasons for my interest in pursuing a classroom in the cloud.  As part of my experience, UNG's gifted endorsement blended both asynchronous and synchronous learning opportunities.

For the synchronous side of the program, UNG uses Blackboard Collaborate.  While I was initially nervous of all it's bells and whistles as a commercial collaboration tool, I quickly found my rhythm within its platform.  By the end of the program, I came to appreciate and enjoy the synchronous sessions with my endorsement colleagues.

[Image Source: Learning Times]
The importance of synchronous meetings in the new 21st century world of education and work is obvious.  What is less obvious is the vendor a company or online school should use.  The sheer number of synchronous vendors, with their varying scope and tools can be as daunting as the cereal isle in the grocery store.  So how does one choose the best communication tool?

While I wish I could answer that question for you, the best I can do is offer a few guidelines that I believe one should use in making a decision.  Here are a few points of consideration beyond the basic collaboration tools that you will want to weigh out:

  • Price:  How much does it cost?  Is it free or does it offer only limited features at no cost?
  • Mobile:  Is there an app for that?  Does the app support both iOS and Android devices?
  • Meeting Capacity:  How many people will you have meeting at one time?
  • Tech Support:  Is tech support free?  Is tech support 24/7?

Still need more direction?  Check out the synchronous platforms below:

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