Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Participate 1.1.1 Character Traits Quest

I design with canva!
From a digital footprint to a digital tattoo, there has never been a more necessary time to teach young people the importance of exemplary digital citizenship.  Of the numerous traits that are essential for such citizenship, one must especially be proactive and forward thinking, while also being deeply engaged in community.

When I consider the importance of being a proactive digital citizen, I think about the digital footprint we establish for ourselves.  The trail of data that we leave behind after every website visited or online service utilized.  Students must be made aware of the impact of their digital footprint and must be proactive in protecting their personal interests.

To be proactive is to initiate rather than to react.  In the case of digital citizenship, this means teaching students how to consciously develop a responsible online presence.  From monitoring their safety and maintaining their privacy, to building their online reputation- an exemplary digital citizen is actively aware and informed of the Web 2.0.

As a high school teacher I am constantly reminded how teenagers live in the spontaneity of right now, rarely looking beyond the next class period, day, or week.  Their serendipitous outlook on life, although commendable, is often times too naive.  They broadcast numerous teenage shenanigans on social media without even considering the true weight of their digital tattoos on their future.

With so much transparency and access to technology, it is no surprise that many colleges and jobs are looking to candidates' personal social media as part of the selection process.  That in-the-moment post could be the deciding factor of their future.  It is for this reason that one of the most important traits of an exemplary digital citizen is to be forward thinking.  We must teach our 21st century students to constantly consider how this moment, this post will reflect who they want to be in five years.

The final, and possibly most important, trait of an exemplary digital citizen is deep engagement in an online community.  Not the superficial engagement that is so often indicative of social media, but participation in an authentic community.  A community that invites us to open dialogue in order to develop meaningful relationships with others.

This is true of any community- whether school or neighborhood, digital or brick-and-mortar.  When students feel accepted in a community, they become more involved, informed, and engaged citizens.  When they become more engaged citizens, they become more proactive in using their online to transform their future.

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